Saturday, November 04, 2006

Extra Special Goat Scrotum

I recently made a trip to my *new* local homebrew store. It's up in Barre, about 40 minutes away. My friend Josh, whom, incidentally, I have invited to join the Hose Heads, showed me where it is. Not a bad shop at all, although I'm told it's sometimes staffed by people with little or no brewing knowledge.

In any case, I went intending to get ingredients for a porter. I settled on Charlie Papazian's Goat Scrotum Ale (Sherman, for whatever reason, "goat" and "scrotum" make me think of you). It's an extract beer with all sorts of crazy stuff in it, including a pound of corn sugar, brown sugar, and molasses.

I also picked up some stuff for an all-grain extra special bitter. Not sure when I'll get to brew next, but hopefully soon. Maybe even next weekend.

BD, did your fermentation issues ever resolve themselves? Sherm, how's your bottle conditioning coming?


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