Friday, April 21, 2006

Ded Rater Hefeweizen

That's what I decided to call that hefeweizen I screwed up (Ded Rater is retarded backwards).

Since I started kegging, I haven't figured out how to keep a couple bottles of whatever I make to set aside, or to take with me, like to a party or something. So this time I thought I'd try these carbonation drops. They're like little cough drops of priming sugar. The directions say to use one per 12oz bottle and two per 750ml bottle. I had 500ml flip tops. I tried to break them in half, but those things are really hard and not brittle at all. So I used two per bottle, and I'm hoping I don't have any bottle bombs. That'd suck. (Incidentally, I saw an episode of Basic Brewing Video where they accidentally put 2 drops in a 12oz bottle. It didn't explode; it wasn't even overcarbonated).

I kegged the rest of it. I'm trying to accelerate the force-carbonation process, so hopefully it'll be ready to drink in the next few days. Better yet, hopefully it'll be ready to drink tomorrow. I have some dudes coming over for a Manfest. BBQ, beer, bourbon, cigars, and video games.


Blogger Bryan said...

how was man fest?

11:34 AM  

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