Sunday, April 09, 2006

In a word...

...I'm retarded. I guess that's two words. But they're true nonetheless.

So I went to the beer store today and got ingredients for a hefeweizen, and the ingredients for another hoppy huskie IPA in an effort to plan ahead and save a trip to the store. Even as of the ride home, I was unsure of what I was actually going to brew. After consulting with Paul, I was set to go with the IPA. This is where I went mental. I was all relaxed, havin' a homebrew, getting my boil on, and what do I do? I load up my brewpot with the wheat extract. Damn. Guess I'll have the hef instead of the IPA.

My thought was to keg whatever batch I brewed today, but upon further consideration, I think I'll bottle the hef once it's done. I think wheat beers are much more pleasant out of the bottle than on tap anyway. And hopefully I'll have the chance to brew one night this week or this coming weekend at the latest.

I have some ideas for how I want the IPA to go. It'll be my frist attmept in a while at finetuning a recipe. Looking forward to a discussion on hopping options and perhaps some additions/substitutions in the specialty grains. I have a couple I ideas I want to check with you dudes.


Blogger Bryan said...

sounds good. let me know how the fine tuning goes. I've never really experimented with varying hop types, but it could be a great way to perfect the aromatics

9:03 AM  
Blogger gz said...

so i was thinking about the grains. the recipe you gave me calls for a pound of crystal 20. i finally read something about crystal 20 last night. it has very little in terms of fermentable sugars, so it serves to increase body, deepen mouthfeel, and aid in head retention; basically, i think, it makes a beer maltier. but also, when i read my notes, i realized i used more malt than the recipe called for (i was feeling cheap, so i went with a brand of syrup that was cheaper to buy 8lbs than it was to buy 6.6 lbs of munton's).

what i'm getting at is that i thought the beer was too malty. that could be caused (i think) by 1) too much malt, b) too much crystal, and 4) incomplete fermentation.

as for hops, i was thinking about keeping the same basic structure, but going for more of a continuous hopping schedule. haven't really thought that through yet, though.

10:36 AM  

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